TIMBERON DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting Held February 09, 2008 IN ATTENDANCE: Everett Putney Rick Merrick Larry Hansen Ron McCormick Fran Trendler Mary Tyler Gwen Adams Elsie Gideon Bill Gideon B.F. Adams Jackie Fioretti The meeting was called to order by President Everett Putney at 10:00 am. He asked if anyone would like the minutes read from the previous meeting. Gwen Adams made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. B.F. Adams seconded the motion. The minutes were approved. Gwen Adams, Treasurer gave the treasurer’s report. A motion was made by Rick Merrick to accept the report as given. Fran Trendler seconded the motion. The motion passed. Everett Putney asked if there were any bills to be paid. Bills pending totaled $21.00 which included $9.00 reimbursement to Jackie Fioretti for filing a Warranty Deed and $12.00 to NMSPRC for our annual Nonprofit Corporate Report filing.. Rick Merrick made a motion to pay our bills. Ron McCormick seconded the motion. The motion passed. The restrooms in the Mary Glover Park were discussed. Door jams need to be anchored, the 4x4 posts holding up the overhang need to be leveled, the baseboard around the outside needs repair and the inside needs to be pressure washed. There was discussion about paying someone to go by and check the paper on a monthly basis. The dry lake slash pit is a problem. Rick Merrick advised he would volunteer his chipper. Everett will also check with RC&D (Rural Conservation & Development) to see if there is money to pay for burning the slash and money for future mail outs on the thinning program. It is critical to Timberon to keep the tree thinning program alive. State Forestry will have an article in the Mountain Times stating that funds are available for property owners to have their property thinned. The new thinning program will pay the property owner up to $1,105 per acre instead of $805 per acre. Fran Trendler will ask Scott Millar to update the tree thinning application form on the web site. Everett Putney advised The Timberon Development Council will submit a grant application for funding to go back into the parks and cut trees twelve inches and down in diameter for hazardous fuel reduction. The first grant allowed up to eight inches in diameter. We will also submit a grant application for wildland fire education and the importance of tree thinning in Timberon. These applications are due to the New Mexico Association of Counties in Santa Fe, New Mexico by February 15, 2008 at 5:00 pm. Fran Trendler and Jackie Fioretti are working on these grants. Rick Merrick gave a report on the July 05, 2008 activities in Mary Glover Park. The next meeting will be March 4th at 6:00 pm at Fran Trendler’s home. Rick advised there will be an ad in the Mountain Times looking for “Artist Vendors”. The committee is also looking for volunteers to help on July 5th. Everett Putney will check with Otero County on the event liability insurance for that day. Everett presented prices to rent a tent for the event from “Party World”. over Page 2 It was mentioned, it might be cheaper to buy a tent if we continue to have annual activities in Mary Glover Park. Everett Putney will check on prices to purchase a tent in El Paso and Rick Merrick will check in Alamogordo. If you would like to help in any way with this event please call Rick Merrick. Everett Putney advised he and Jackie Fioretti donate $300.00 each semi-annually to the Timberon Development Council. This is the amount they receive from the council for renting the building at 1841 Sacramento Drive. Fran Trendler made a motion to adjourn and Gwen Adams seconded it. The motion passed. These meetings are held the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at the Timberon Development Council Office, 1841 Sacramento Drive. They are open meetings and everyone is invited to attend. Respectfully submitted, Jackie Fioretti, Secretary